
Thank you so much for visiting our website.

My name is Donna, I live in Essex, UK and have 5 children, ranging in ages from 19 down to 3. My son, Alfie is my 4th child. He is now 6 and was Diagnosed with Autism & Global Development Delay at the age of 2.5.

At that moment my whole world changed.

I had to throw away everything I ever knew about parenting and start again. It was literally terrifying. We have been on a huge learning curve over the past few years – it’s Alfie’s world and we have all had to adapt and work together as a family to support him.

If I said it had been easy, I would be lying.

There are times that I feel so overwhelmed that I can’t even breathe. But then I watch Alfie’s pleasure in playing with his trains or I look at photos of how far we have come, and it gives me the boost I need to face another day.

That Beautiful Mind is a project from the heart, created to help others like me, who look after children with autism and other special needs.

The online shop sells a selection of bespoke items that I have had to design, create or source extensively to aid Alfie’s development and sometimes, just to make my life easier. I know what the struggles are, and I know what has worked for us and Alfie.

I also decided to write a blog – Raising Alfie – where others can follow my journey as Alfie’s mum.

Why am I sharing my crazy life so publicly? To let you know that you are not alone. I get it. And there is hope. Not every day will be dark – there are plenty of beautiful rainbows too.



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